luni, 29 ianuarie 2018

Turn that pain into power

          Îţi laşi sufletul în fiecare loc în care inima ta a bătut mai repede, sau în care ţi s-a tăiat respiraţia, sau în momentele când încerci să chemi în tăcere pe cineva de care îţi e dor...
            Când nici măcar acea primă poză, cu nişte trandafiri albi, nu mai are puterea să-ţi amintească de momentul în care nici frunzele nu mai îndrăzneau să cadă într-o noapte târzie de toamnă... Rămân, în schimb, mărturii al timpului trecut, atestări ale amintirilor şi a bucăţilor din tine lăsate fie în locuri specifice, fie în grija altora.

            Îţi spui în sinea ta ca nu poţi să condamni oamenii pentru ceea ce simt şi crezi în asta, accepţi asta, dar la sfârşitul zilei tot nu înţelegi... Nu te înţelegi pe tine cum încă nu-ţi dai pace, nu îi înţelegi pe ceilalţi cum au putut să facă promisiuni, doar ca să aleagă ce e mai uşor. Nu înţelegi cum poţi fi, de fapt... cum eşti de fiecare dată prea mult, dar niciodată îndeajuns. Ce să înţelegi, când laşi măştile jos după lupte crâncene cu raţiunea ta, doar ca să găseşti munţi ce nu vor să fie escaladaţi... de tine cel puţin. Ei bine, înţelegi că nu e lupta ta şi că ar trebui să mergi mai departe. Totuşi, cum faci una ca asta, când ţi-ai trimis deja sinele în vârf?!

            Eşti tot ce ai şi oricât încearcă lumea să-ţi inducă faptul că e ok să simţi asta... nu e. Da, eşti mai singură ca niciodată, dar nu aşa ar fi trebuit să te simţi în permanenţă. Well, este în regulă să-ţi pui încrederea în oamenii în care crezi că merită, dar nu-i poţi condamna dacă nu îţi rămân alături. Acelaşi principiu se aplică şi aici, în fond.

              Te consumă... speranţa, gândul că poate o să fie mai bine, că poate chiar îi e dor de tine, că poate chiar îi lipseşti, că poate momentul ăla încă îl bântuie şi pe el, că poate regretă măcar una din multele decizii ce v-au adus în stadiul actual. Ţi-ai spus în sinea ta că o să lupţi pentru a-l păstra în viaţa ta... lacul ţi-a fost martor când îţi spuneai că merită. Naivo...

              ,,Şi voi scrie adânc în inimi, după veacuri de mizerii/ Că-n iubirea fără margini, este marginea durerii.''

joi, 4 ianuarie 2018


,,I want you to know, I need you to know, not choosing me is okay. I can’t allow you to make me play secondary field.I can’t allow you to trick me into being as much as a inconvenient to you. I want to be a priority (Liv), I won’t settle to be just an endless circle of you having me when you can’t have anyone else.’’ – Jake

,,I’ve wondered what’s wrong, and I found out. This is my life. That’s what’s wrong. You didn’t showed up... for me. You left me hanging and I had to do everything myself! I’m alone here... We’re supposed to be parteners. We’re supposed to be in this together. If you knew the sacrifices that I made, the things I have given up and the pieces of myself that I have given away for you... and you treated me this way. You make me beg for scraps, when I have done nothing but fight for you. You don’t have to love me. I think that we are in this hell togeher, and the flames are burning both of us with equal intensity, so the least you could do is show up... for me! Instead of being like some stranger.’’ – Mellie

,, Just make sure she loves you. If she loves you... she can be any kind of tornado she wants.'' - Fitz

,,I think it eats you until you’re not you anymore, until you’re lost, until you can’t rememeber who you were, until you forget yourself, and all you can see is the greater good. All you can see is God, and love. You’re so busy loving him, you forget to be a person.’’ – Olivia
,,You screwed up, again. You put me in a position where I had to defand myself, again; where I had to bend my morals, again; where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in! Again!’’ – Olivia

,,What else do you need? What service can I rander you today? Am I here to strike your ego? Am I your cheerleader? Am I here to wipe your tears? Am I your nanny? Am I here to fight the bullies? Maybe I’m here to make you feel good. Maybe I’m your dealer, or maybe I;m here to makke you feel hot and manly, and ready... So you can forget at least for a second about your life. Is that what I am?
What else am I supposed to be? I lie in bed every night, and I play our relationship over and over in my head, like a movie. We meet, we fall in love, we can’t stop ourselves, we’re meant to be I give up eveything inside me and then it stops. The movie just stops. I don’t know how it ends.’’ – Olivia

"I am not a toy you can play with when you're bored or lonely or horny. I am not the girl the guy gets at the end of the movie. I am not a fantasy. If you want me, earn me!" — Olivia

,,Nothing you tell yourself will save you from the truth.’’ – Eli Pope

,, It’s me. Nothing would’ve happened... None of it would be happening if it weren’t for me. The only common denominator is me. I’m the center. I’m the eye of the storm. This is me doing what I do best, I’m handing this, I’m fixing this. I have been over every option, I have looked at it from every angle, and I have hoped, and prayed that I was wrong. I have tried to pretend that I didn’t know what the answer is, but I do. So, now it’s time for me to stand in my truth. It’s me. I’m the thing that needs to be fixed. I’m the thing that needs to be handled.’’ – Olivia

,, You can keep as quite as you like, but one of these days, somebody is going to find you.’’ – Cyrus
,,You can’t be breaked, and that’s a relief to me, because I cannot disappoint you. I cannot hurt you more than I already have. I cannot destroy your image of me or break your heart, or damage your soul. You don’t believe in me, so... I have nothing in you to break. I am on no pedestals, You see me for what I am... a filthy monster desperately trying to hold on to the last shreades of its humanity, You... are a good person. I’m not promising much, but I’ll promise this: I... may not do it well, but I will do my best to be your someone. So, you’re not alone.’’ – Jake

,,It only feels like a misstep at first, a compromise, a concession to reality, a bad move well-played. But at some point, you’re only going in that direction. By the time you realize how far down that path you are, you’re lost. Everything is unrecognizable. You are unrecognizable to yourself. You find yourself doing things you never thought you’d do in ways you never thought you’d do them to save things you’re not even sure you want to save, but you can’t help it. That’s when you’re done.’’ – Olivia

,,You have to be... twice as good as them to get half of what they have.’’ – Eli Pope